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2022-04-28 19:33:58  阅读:226  来源: 互联网

标签:激波 case reverse 正反 RS shock analytical 相对论性 model

arXiv:2204.13014 [pdf, other]
A semi-analytical solution to the forward-reverse shock hydrodynamics of the gamma-ray burst afterglow Ze-Lin Zhang, Ruo-Yu Liu, Jin-Jun Geng, Xue-Feng Wu, Xiang-Yu WangComments: 13 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS, Comments and questions are welcome! Subjects: High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)

We extend the standard model of forward-reverse shock (FS-RS) for gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow to more general cases. On one hand, we derive the analytical solution to the hydrodynamics of the shocks in two limiting cases, i.e., an ultra-relativistic reverse shock case and a Newtonian reverse shock case. Based on the asymptotic solutions in these two limiting cases, we constitute a semi-analytical solution for the hydrodynamics of the shocks in the generic case, covering the mildly-relativistic reverse shock case. On the other hand, we derive the evolution of the system taking into account the condition of energy conservation which is not satisfied in the standard FS-RS model. A generic solution of semi-analytical expressions is also given. In both the extended standard FS-RS model (satisfying pressure balance condition) and the model satisfying energy conservation, we find that the results in the ultra-relativistic reverse shock case and in the early stage of the Newtonian reverse shock case are different from those in the standard FS-RS model by only a factor that close to one while the same initial conditions adopted. However, the asymptotic solutions in the limiting cases are not good approximations to those in the intermediate case. Our semi-analytical results agree well with the numerical results for a large range of model parameters, and hence can be easily employed to diagnose the physical quantities of the GRB shell and circumburst environment.

来源: https://arxiv.org/list/astro-ph/new
两种不同情况下的桥梁表达式Table I所对应的情况下的公式的好坏对比, 圆点是数值结果, 被覆盖的灰线是桥梁公式. 挺一致的. ksi表示相对论性的程度, 值越小也是相对论性的.


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zouastro/p/16204168.html

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