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2021-10-23 12:02:51  阅读:210  来源: 互联网

标签:翻译 01 watching people us movies only 写作 worth

My edition:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching?

As people’s lives become better and better, watching movies seem to be an indispensable part, for it not only entertains the audiences but also brings some insights about living. Some people declare that only those films that can teach us something about real life are worth watching. However, in my view, this notion is absolute and partial because there at least are two other types of films worth viewing, namely, comedy and horror movies. The reasons supporting my view will be listed in the following paragraphs.
Comedies could provide a good way for me to relax, and they are definitely worth watching. Laughing has been scientifically demonstrated to be the best drug for alleviating anxiety, and comedies serve as remuneration for people. Taking myself as an example, I still remember the days I was preparing for the entrance exam of colleges, which determines one’s future, the best time was to watch a comedy of Kin, Karea, after a long day’s learning. My anxious and tight brain was desperately relaxed when listening to his humorous voice and watching his acting.
Another type of movie worth watching is the horror movie because it could offer a feeling of threatening under a safe condition for people. In most cases, human tends to avoid danger, while curiosity is a born quality that makes people want to experience those rare feelings in daily life. Although this kind of thought sounds converse, it indeed exists. For instance, every viewer enjoys the moment when the horror movie is finally over. In fact, experiencing others’ threatened feelings is also a kind of entertainment.
Admittedly, people will learn a lot from those movies teaching us something about real life. For example, some films told us what true love is, and others taught us how to become confident again after going through a few bad things. All of those scripts are practical and warm. Nevertheless, no matter how useful and valuable they are, the statement that they are the only movies worth watching is not true.
To put it in a nutshell, I think the notion that only those movies which can teach us something about real life are worth watching is wrong. There are at least two other essential movies, the horror movie and the comedy,
that are equally important to us, and we should respect them with deserved attitude.


  • 自己对语法的正确运用还很缺乏,有的句子定语状语等用的不确定,不准确;
  • 很多词汇不知道,然后用词不准确;
  • 句式没有很多变,需要学习和借鉴范文的句式
  • 一些固定表达需要积累。

来源: https://blog.csdn.net/GENGXINGGUANG/article/details/120914750

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