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2019-01-11 11:00:07  阅读:320  来源: 互联网

标签:down more Dollar over General plans stores


over the past few years Don J has been grass expending across the unite states.
and say the retirely going unthinkable at stand age ,when somebody break moder stool are struggling.
but according to business dj has no plan slow down neither.
the company plans open 975 more locations than 2090.
well, over is pertation resif for DJ and D store less expensive to creat and can be put up down more quickly.


Over the past few years, Dollar General has been aggressively expanding across the United States.

Analysts say that the rate the retailer is growing is "unthinkable" in this day and age, when so many brick and mortar stores are struggling. But according to Business Insider, Dollar General has no plans of slowing down either.

The company plans to open 975 more locations in 2019.

While over-saturation is a potential risk for Dollar General, Dollar's stores are less expensive to create, and they can be put up and taken down more quickly. =========Link=================================== 每日新闻一分钟:电商的时代 达乐却蒸蒸日上_国外媒体资讯 - 可可英语
http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201901/576177_2.shtml   外国人听中国人说英语会像中国人听他们说中... | 问答 | 问答 | 果壳网 科技有意思

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/wanghui626/p/10254012.html

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