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2020-09-19 09:32:14  阅读:376  来源: 互联网

标签:封装 Windows win sp class 串口 serial data port



  • lib_serial_port is an library to operate serial port, which is written by c++11. .It is convenient to read and write data to the serial port after openning. And also, it supports to query the information of available serial port.
  • to receive data, this library creates a thread to do that.
  • If an error occured, it will output the error information to the log file using spdlog library
  • Now, it only works on windows.

2. Directory & File

the following is the description of this library

│   CMakeLists.txt		# cmake file
│   del.bat				# to delete middle objects of Visual Studio produced 
│   readme.md			# readme written by markdown
│   update-log.txt		# the log of this project 
│       del.bat			# to delete middle objects of Visual Studio produced 
│       config.h.in		# definite some macro
│   └───shared			# shared demo
│           main.cc 	# source file
├───ext					# other project, like spdlog, fmt
├───include				# header files' directory
│   │   universe_def.h	# definite some macro
│   │   utils.h			# a helper to switch basic type, like int -> std::string
│   │   
│   └───serial_port		# the serial port's header files
│           serial_port_interface.h		# the serial port's interface
│           serial_port_win_base.h		# definite some class to oprator serial port on windows platform	
│           serial_port_win_info.h		# include some interfaces to get serial port's information on windows platform  
│   │   VSPDP_9349.zip			# Virtual Serial Port Driver Pro 
│   │   
│   └───AccessPort_23021		# Access port
└───src		# the source files of serial port library
        serial_port_interface.cpp	# the source file of interface file
        serial_port_win_base.cpp	# the source file of serial_port_win_base.h
        serial_port_win_info.cpp	# the implemention of serial_port_win_base class
        utils.cpp					# the implemention of helper class

3. Configure & Generate

  • You need CMake, whose version is greater than 3.14.
  • Cmd
$ cd xx/serial_port/build
$ cmake ..

then, you will get the serial port's project files. And also, you could use the following cmd to compile your program:

cmake --build .. --config Release

4. Usage

If you wanna receive data, you should definite anther class to inherit irecv_data class and implement the on_recv_data function. Thus, you could get the data from serial port in the on_recv_data function.

4,1 include file:

#include "serial_port/serial_port_interface.h"

4.2 use namespace lib_sp:

using namespace lib_sp;

4.2 initialize

serial_port_prop spp;
spp._name = std::string("COM" + to_string(sp_id));
int ret_val = sp->init(spp);

4.3 open

int ret_val = sp->open();

4.4 send data

const char arr_send[] = {"123ABC-=+"};
int ret_val = sp->send(arr_send, sizof(arr_send));

4.5 to check if opened

bool is_open = sp->is_opened();

4.6 close serial port

int ret_val = sp->close();

4.7 to get information of library

std::string str_ver = sp->get_version();
cout << "version = " << str_ver.c_str() << "\n\n"; //

4.8 to receive data

Definite another class inherited irecv_data class to receive data, Like this:

class serial_port : public irecv_data
// ...

then ,set the second parameter of init to this :

// if you wanna recv data, set the second param this, otherwise, set it nullptr
_psp->init(spp, this);

4.9 to create an library object

You could call sp_create_win(in the serial_port_interface.h) function to create an object

iserial_port	*_psp = sp_create_win();

4.10 to release an object

You must call sp_release to release the object created by sp_create_win function.


5. Example

You could get further information to use it from xx/serial_port/example/shared/main.cc

6. Other tools

Note These tools only works on Windows
If you dont have any physical serial port, Configure Virtual Serial Port Driver could create more available virtual serial port pairs. Note, virtual serial port must be used in pairs. Like 10 and 20, 11 and 21

6.1 configure serial port

use Configure Virtual Serial Port Driver to add and delete serial port pairs

6.2 Access port

This tool could monitor and communicate with serial port.

7 License

3-Clause BSD

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/pandamohist/p/13694693.html

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