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2019-10-10 14:51:05  阅读:280  来源: 互联网

标签:Intel Parallel Studio linux command XE tools 链接


如下为安装好Intel® Parallel Studio XE suite后,将源程序软链接的示例。


sudo ln -s $HOME/0YWU/ProgramInstall/compilers_and_libraries_2019.5.281/linux/bin/intel64/ifort /usr/local/bin/ifort



附:Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019安装后的初始化

Before You Begin

Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019 does not provide an integrated development environment (IDE) to use for accessing the tools. You can access the libraries and tools in your suite using one of the two ways outlined in the steps below.

Step 1: Initialize the Tools

To access the standalone or command line versions of the tools, you must first initialize the tools. You can initialize all tools in one step using the initialization utility provided with Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019.

  1. From a command prompt or script, cd to <install_dir>/parallel_studio_xe_2019.<update number>.<package number>\bin

    By default, <install_dir> is:

    • For root installations: /opt/intel

    • For non-root installations: $HOME/intel


  2. Enter source psxevars.sh or source psxevars.csh.


Step 2A: Access the Tools Using a Third-Party IDE

While Intel® Parallel Studio XE does not provide a built-in IDE, it does integrate with third-party IDEs on Windows*, Linux*, and macOS* to provide a seamless GUI experience for software development.

You can access the entire suite using Eclipse* on Linux*. Once Parallel Studio is installed, the tools are integrated into the menus, and provide toolbars. More information on using Eclipse* with each tool can be found in the tool-specific get started guides.


Step 2B: Access the Tools Using the Command Line

Use the command line to access the tools in this suite in one of two ways:

  • Navigate to the installed Intel® Parallel Studio XE environment on your host system, then open a command prompt in the tool's location.
  • Open any available command prompt on your host system, and use the command line to change directories and navigate to the installed environment.

Following successful installation, the tools and libraries of your Intel® Parallel Studio XE suite can be found in the default folder /opt/intel. Refer to the Intel® Parallel Studio XE Installation Guide for Linux* for a list of default installation locations for each tool. Once you open a command prompt in the correct location for the tool you wish to use, the get started guide for that tool will provide more information on initializing and invoking it using the command line.

Get Started with This Suite

Intel® Parallel Studio XE 2019 Cluster Edition has everything you need to build, analyze, and scale your applications, then do it all again for continual optimization. Start compiling and optimizing your code today using all of the tools and libraries in this suite.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/ywu24/p/11647869.html

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