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如何在Playstation 2上安装Linux

2019-08-10 07:02:07  阅读:842  来源: 互联网

标签:linux debian mips

想了解游戏开发?你是一个Linux爱好者想要测试“Linux运行于一切”的说法吗?也许您是一名软件开发人员,他希望发布多种体系结构,并且您没有其他MIPS Little Endian机器来测试您的程序.无论您的情况如何,在Playstation 2上安装Linux的原因有很多,甚至在它发布后的十六年(男孩我突然觉得老了.),但同样令人惊讶的缺乏关于它的文档或如何安装它.



PS2使用单核“Emotion Engine”CPU,原始胖型号的时钟频率为295MHz,新型号的型号为299MHz. Emotion Engine是一个64位MIPS Little Endian CPU,支持128位地址.






未经修改的PS2支持音频CD,视频DVD和最多两个尺寸高达128MB的存储卡,以便进行游戏保存.使用软件漏洞修改的PS2还支持两个高达128MB的存储卡,用于一般文件管理和存储,以及通过第三方文件管理器(如uLaunchELF)以及一些USB 1.1磁盘浏览数据CD / DVD上的文件,支持通过软件支持在更新的超薄型号上提供USB 2.0磁盘.使用modchip修改的PS2增加了对数据CD和DVD的支持,无需第三方程序.



首先,在PS2上安装Linux有几个先决条件,请注意本指南旨在安装在纤薄的PS2上,如果你有一个胖PS2,你应该下载并安装索尼的PS2 Linux副本:[link] (https://sourceforge.net/projects/kernelloader/files/Sony%20Linux%20Toolkit/)另请注意,用于测试本指南的机器是PS2型号SCPH-79001(银色特别版),因此可以安全地假设这适用于低于SCPH-90000的任何PS2型号(型号SCPH- 90000及更高版本无法进行软修改,因此您将无法启动Linux引导加载程序.)


1.) A software mod for your PS2, such as the FreeMCBoot OS, or a modchip, as you will need a way to launch your bootloader.

2.) A memory card of at least 8MB, but preferably 16MB, 32MB or 128MB to ensure you have ample space. This MC will permanently hold your boot loader configuration, Linux kernel, and RamDisk. Since your FreeMCBoot installation will take up approx. 4.5MB on it’s respective MC, plus the Kernel, RamDisk, and config file together will take up at least 7MB (up to 9.5MB if you choose to include the generic RamDisk as well) and you only have two MC slots, unless you are willing to use a MC port expansion you will likely need the extra space provided by an above-average size MC to store your saved games.

3.) A USB disk of at least 8GB (either a USB flash drive or external IDE/SATA HDD/SSD will work)

4.) Access to an existing install of a Debian based system (while making this guide I used Debian 8), if you are on a macOS or Windows system I recommend using VirtualBox, but make sure you install the guest additions to more easily transfer the required files.

5.) A USB 1.1 or 2.0 keyboard. While Sony’s PS2 Linux, and the BlackRhino Linux live DVD come with an on screen keyboard, this installation will use Debian 5, which requires a proper physical keyboard.


1.) Download these files:

vmlinux_v11.gz and the modules package [link] (07001)

initrd.usb2.gz [link] (07002)

kloader3.0.elf [link] (07003)

The Debian 5 installation files [link] (07004)

2.) Copy the files vmlinux_v11.gz, initrd.usb2.gz, and kloader3.0.elf to a flash drive formatted as FAT32, plug it into your PS2, and copy them to a folder named kloader on your MC of choice (must have at least 7MB free). If there isn’t enough space you can copy kloader3.0.elf to a second MC, but I recommend keeping the files together if possible.

3.) Connect the USB disk you have selected for Linux installation to your existing Debian machine. Create an MS-DOS partition table on the disk.

4.) Open a terminal, start a root shell (sudo -i, or su). Run fdisk /dev/sdX where X is your USB disk’s identifier. Delete all existing partitions on the USB disk, create one new primary partition that leaves 1GB of free space left of the disk (i.e. if you have an 8GB disk, you should use +7168M as the end cylinder option). Create a secondary partition of 1GB (+1024M as the end cylinder option), and change it’s type to swap (t, followed by 2, and finally 82). Then use w to write changes to disk.

5.) Run mkswap /dev/sdX2 where X is your USB disk’s identifier. Then run mkfs.ext2 -I 128 /dev/sdX1. Be sure to include the -I 128 option, it is required.

6.) Once the filesystems have been created, mount your USB disk’s first partition under /media/usb/. Create a directory called install in the directory you just mounted the disk on.

7.) Create a folder named debian on your Debian machine, and place all of the files you downloaded in step 1 into it. The next several steps will be commands for ease of writing.

8.) cp -R /path/to/folder/debian/* /media/usb/install/

9.) cd /media/usb/

10.) tar -xzf install/debian-lenny-mipsel-v1.tgz

11.) cp install/vmlinux_v11.gz boot/; cp install/initrd.usb2.gz boot/

12.) bunzip2 install/linux-

13.) tar -xf install/linux-

14.) nano etc/fstab and change ext3 to ext2. Save the file and exit (ctrl-x, y, enter)

15.) Unmount your USB disk with umount /dev/sdX1

16.) Unplug your USB disk. Turn on your PS2, plug your USB keyboard in to USB port 2, and start uLaunchELF. NOTE: do not plug in your USB disk yet, as the PS2 cannot natively read ext2 disks, and it will cause PS2 to hang on boot.

17.) In uLaunchELF, navigate to mc0:/kloader/ or mc1:/kloader/ if you placed the boot loader on your second MC in step 2. Run kloader3.0.elf, watch the bottom of the screen, and when Autobooting in 3... appears, press a button on your controller, or a key on the USB keyboard. A boot configuration menu should appear.

18.) Go to the bottom of the menu using the arrow keys on your USB keyboard, and select Advanced Menu. Go to Select Kernel>Memory Card X>kloader>vmlinux_v11.gz then Select Init RAM disk>Memory Card X>kloader>initrd.usb2.gz. Turn Autoboot off.

19.) Go to Configuration Menu at the bottom of the current page, make sure Use SBIOS from TGE, TGE for SBIOS New Modules, Enable hard disk and network, Patch libsd (enable USB) are all enabled, and Enable IOP debug output is disabled.

20.) Go to Module List and make sure that rom0:LIBSD is enabled.

21.) Go back to the Configuration Menu and select Edit Kernel Parameter and add the line newroot=/dev/sda1 (NOTE: pressing enter will save change and return to the Configuration Menu, so use a space after the existing line instead, and press enter once you have added this line.)

22.) Go back to Advanced Menu, and then Boot Menu, Select Save Config on MC0.

23.) Insert your USB disk into your PS2’s USB port 1, go to Advanced Menu, and select Boot Current Config.

24.) Debian should boot now, when you reach the login screen use root as the login. The root user does not have a password by default, and there are no other users, so now you need to fix both. Run adduser yourusername and enter the needed info (omit personal details if you want), and a user will automatically be created.

25.) Type exit, and login as your new user with the login info you set. Run su to enter a root shell, then run passwd root and set a password for the root account. Make sure it is something you can remember! This version of Debian doesn’t come with sudo preinstalled, you will need access to the root account until you can change that.

26.) Finally, while you are still in a root shell, run nano /etc/apt/sources.list and change the existing source to deb archive.debian.org/debian lenny main so that you can install packages via a network if needed.

27.) Networking will not function by default, to enable it add
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
to the file /etc/network/interfaces, plug in an ethernet cable, and reboot the PS2 into Linux again.

28.) Now that networking is up and running, you should install sudo for improved security when performing administrative tasks. This is Debian so log in to your user, drop to a root shell and run apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install sudo (There will be several packages needing updates so be sure not to omit those commands.).

29.) You have sudo installed now, but you aren’t in the sudoers file, so while in the root shell run visudo /etc/sudoers, and under
## User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
add the line
yourusername ALL=(ALL) ALL

Save your changes to the sudoers file, log out, and log back in.

基本安装现已完成.您想要制作的任何其他自定义都可以像使用任何其他Linux发行版一样完成.如果你想安装PS2SDK来开发PS2专用软件你可以在这里找到源代码:[link](https://github.com/ps2dev/ps2sdk)如果你试图在PS2上编译它,它将耗尽内存并挂起,所以一定要设置在主机上构建环境,并手动或通过网络将文件复制到Debian USB,以便将它们放在PS2上进行测试. PS2控制器不能用作鼠标,因此我建议使用鼠标和键盘的USB集线器(如果不是选项,可以像往常一样使用Alt Shift Num Lock激活鼠标键).感谢阅读,我希望这有助于有人在他们的PS2上安装Linux.我已经尝试了几个月才能使这个工作,并且最近已经这样做了,因此决定尝试让其他想要做同样事情的人更容易.

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190810/1637559.html

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