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linux – 如何在不丢失基于文件系统的功能的情况下执行进程,保留功能?

2019-06-20 15:39:04  阅读:309  来源: 互联网

标签:linux linux-capabilities execve



如何在没有“泼溅”任何已授权的功能的情况下执行其他一些过程(例如,如果新程序的文件是setcap = ei)?只是“我相信这个新过程,因为我相信自己”.例如,一个能力被赋予用户(并且用户想要在他开始的任何程序中运用它)……

我可以永久地创建整个文件系统= ei吗?我想保持文件系统不干扰该方案,不能授予或撤销功能;通过父母 – >儿童事物来控制一切.




   Ambient (since Linux 4.3):
          This is a set of capabilities that are preserved across an execve(2) of a program that is not privileged.  The ambient capability set obeys the invariant that no capability can ever
          be ambient if it is not both permitted and inheritable.

          The ambient capability set can be directly modified using
          prctl(2).  Ambient capabilities are automatically lowered if
          either of the corresponding permitted or inheritable
          capabilities is lowered.

          Executing a program that changes UID or GID due to the set-
          user-ID or set-group-ID bits or executing a program that has
          any file capabilities set will clear the ambient set.  Ambient
          capabilities are added to the permitted set and assigned to
          the effective set when execve(2) is called.

   A child created via fork(2) inherits copies of its parent's
   capability sets.  See below for a discussion of the treatment of
   capabilities during execve(2).

Transformation of capabilities during execve()
   During an execve(2), the kernel calculates the new capabilities of
   the process using the following algorithm:

       P'(ambient) = (file is privileged) ? 0 : P(ambient)

       P'(permitted) = (P(inheritable) & F(inheritable)) |
                       (F(permitted) & cap_bset) | P'(ambient)

       P'(effective) = F(effective) ? P'(permitted) : P'(ambient)

       P'(inheritable) = P(inheritable)    [i.e., unchanged]


       P         denotes the value of a thread capability set before the

       P'        denotes the value of a thread capability set after the

       F         denotes a file capability set

       cap_bset  is the value of the capability bounding set (described

   A privileged file is one that has capabilities or has the set-user-ID
   or set-group-ID bit set.

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190620/1245670.html

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