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2021-10-04 16:31:07  阅读:199  来源: 互联网

标签:... 头文件 -- section manual linux 库函数 page man

man 2 read  # 查看系统调用read

man 3 fread # 查看库函数read

熟悉man man很重要,你能找到你要的everything.

MAN(1)                                                                              Manual pager utils                                                                              MAN(1)

       man - an interface to the on-line reference manuals

       man  [-C  file]  [-d]  [-D] [--warnings[=warnings]] [-R encoding] [-L locale] [-m system[,...]] [-M path] [-S list] [-e extension] [-i|-I] [--regex|--wildcard] [--names-only] [-a]
       [-u] [--no-subpages] [-P pager] [-r prompt] [-7] [-E encoding] [--no-hyphenation] [--no-justification] [-p  string]  [-t]  [-T[device]]  [-H[browser]]  [-X[dpi]]  [-Z]  [[section]
       page ...] ...
       man -k [apropos options] regexp ...
       man -K [-w|-W] [-S list] [-i|-I] [--regex] [section] term ...
       man -f [whatis options] page ...
       man  -l  [-C file] [-d] [-D] [--warnings[=warnings]] [-R encoding] [-L locale] [-P pager] [-r prompt] [-7] [-E encoding] [-p string] [-t] [-T[device]] [-H[browser]] [-X[dpi]] [-Z]
       file ...
       man -w|-W [-C file] [-d] [-D] page ...
       man -c [-C file] [-d] [-D] page ...
       man [-?V]

       man is the system's manual pager. Each page argument given to man is normally the name of a program, utility or function.  The manual page associated with each of these  arguments
       is then found and displayed. A section, if provided, will direct man to look only in that section of the manual.  The default action is to search in all of the available sections,
       following a pre-defined order and to show only the first page found, even if page exists in several sections.

       The table below shows the section numbers of the manual followed by the types of pages they contain.

       1   Executable programs or shell commands
       2   System calls (functions provided by the kernel)
       3   Library calls (functions within program libraries)
       4   Special files (usually found in /dev)
       5   File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd
       6   Games
       7   Miscellaneous (including macro packages and conventions), e.g. man(7), groff(7)
       8   System administration commands (usually only for root)
       9   Kernel routines [Non standard]

       A manual page consists of several sections.


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhjh256/p/15366609.html

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