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5 - CentOS system configuration before k8s installation

2021-06-08 20:04:32  阅读:265  来源: 互联网

标签:both configuration installation CentOS kubernetes etc below yum k8s


Node OS IP
k8s-master CentOS7
k8s-node1 CentOS7

Now we have 2 working CentOS virtual machine, which can connect to each other, also able access to Internet. Let's do some configuration before we provision kubernetes cluster on them.

Install kubernetes:

  1. Disable firewall for both master and node by running below command
    firewall-cmd --state                          # check firewall state
    systemctl stop firewalld.service         # stop firewall
    systemctl disable firewalld.service     # disable firewall to auto launch
  2. Disable SELinux module for both master and node by running below command
    getenforce                    # check SELinux status
    setenforce 0                  # stop SELinux
    sed -i "s/SELINUX\=.*/SELINUX=disable/g" /etc/selinux/config          # disable SELinux module

    shutdown -r now # Reboot system is required
  3. Update host name
    Execute below command for master node:
    more /etc/hostname        # check current hostname
    hostnamectl set-hostname master01        # update hostname to master01

    Perform the same command to update hostname of k8s-node1:

  4. Modify hosts file /etc/hosts on both node k8s-master and k8s-node1
    Execute below command to append host details to the end of file /etc/hosts:
    cat >> /etc/hosts << EOF    master01    node01

     NOTE: Perform the same update for k8s-node1

  5. Disable swap
    Run below commands swapoff -a on both k8s-master and k8s-node1:
    swapoff -a        # switch of swap temporary
    free -m           # check if swap turned off successful, the line swap should be showing 0
  6. Setting up yum resource for both nodes
    Since some of external site been blocked, so we need to repoint yum source to domestic agent resource, running below command to setup:
    cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo
    gpgkey=https://mirrors.aliyun.com/kubernetes/yum/doc/yum-key.gpg https://mirrors.aliyun.com/kubernetes/yum/doc/rpm-package-key.gpg
  7. Execute below commands on both nodes, refresh yum cache
    yum clean all
    yum -y makecache
  8. All set for system configuration now. We are ready to provision container and Kubernetes !
    Next let's get Docker installed from both master01 and node1.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/waynewei/p/14852976.html

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