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[转]Moving MySQL from default folder to home folder or any disc space in Debian

2022-07-01 16:06:01  阅读:211  来源: 互联网

标签:space default MySQL sources mysql var home folder


原文:mysql 目录迁移





Moving MySQL from default folder to home folder or any disc space in Debian


If the MySQL service not stop then you most Stop the service of MySQL before doing anything

sudo service mysql stop

First we will create folders that we will used for MySQL, we most create 3 important folders like the following:

mkdir /home/sources/var/lib/mysql
mkdir /home/sources/var/lib/mysql-files
mkdir /home/sources/var/log/mysql
mkdir /home/sources/tmp/mysql

Next we will copy the MySQL files from the source folder `/var/lib` to our created folder.

Note: don't remove the source folders after you finish the steps

cp -rap /var/lib/mysql /home/sources/var/lib
cp -rap /var/lib/mysql-files /home/sources/var/lib
cp -rap /var/log/mysql /home/sources/var/log
cp -rap /var/lib/mysql/mysql /home/sources/tmp/mysql

Then in MySQL config file we will change the following:

pid-file    = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
socket      = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
datadir     = /home/sources/var/mysql
log-error   = /home/sources/var/log/error.log

Finally restart MySQL service and enjoy ^_^.

systemctl daemon-reload
service mysql restart


来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/oxspirt/p/16434901.html

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