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2021-09-19 19:02:44  阅读:170  来源: 互联网

标签:rows 17 数据库 Mysql sec mysql NULL 0.00

1、 导入hellodb.sql生成数据库

[17:18:49 root@CentOS8 ~]\ [#yum -y install mysql-server
[17:21:03 root@CentOS8 ~]\ [#systemctl start mysqld
[17:26:30 root@CentOS8 ~]\ [#mysql
mysql> source hellodb_innodb.sql

(1) 在students表中,查询年龄大于25岁,且为男性的同学的名字和年龄

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| hellodb            |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> use hellodb;
Database changed
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_hellodb |
| classes           |
| coc               |
| courses           |
| scores            |
| students          |
| teachers          |
| toc               |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select * from students;
| StuID | Name          | Age | Gender | ClassID | TeacherID |
|     1 | Shi Zhongyu   |  22 | M      |       2 |         3 |
|     2 | Shi Potian    |  22 | M      |       1 |         7 |
|     3 | Xie Yanke     |  53 | M      |       2 |        16 |
|     4 | Ding Dian     |  32 | M      |       4 |         4 |
|     5 | Yu Yutong     |  26 | M      |       3 |         1 |
|     6 | Shi Qing      |  46 | M      |       5 |      NULL |
|     7 | Xi Ren        |  19 | F      |       3 |      NULL |
|     8 | Lin Daiyu     |  17 | F      |       7 |      NULL |
|     9 | Ren Yingying  |  20 | F      |       6 |      NULL |
|    10 | Yue Lingshan  |  19 | F      |       3 |      NULL |
|    11 | Yuan Chengzhi |  23 | M      |       6 |      NULL |
|    12 | Wen Qingqing  |  19 | F      |       1 |      NULL |
|    13 | Tian Boguang  |  33 | M      |       2 |      NULL |
|    14 | Lu Wushuang   |  17 | F      |       3 |      NULL |
|    15 | Duan Yu       |  19 | M      |       4 |      NULL |
|    16 | Xu Zhu        |  21 | M      |       1 |      NULL |
|    17 | Lin Chong     |  25 | M      |       4 |      NULL |
|    18 | Hua Rong      |  23 | M      |       7 |      NULL |
|    19 | Xue Baochai   |  18 | F      |       6 |      NULL |
|    20 | Diao Chan     |  19 | F      |       7 |      NULL |
|    21 | Huang Yueying |  22 | F      |       6 |      NULL |
|    22 | Xiao Qiao     |  20 | F      |       1 |      NULL |
|    23 | Ma Chao       |  23 | M      |       4 |      NULL |
|    24 | Xu Xian       |  27 | M      |    NULL |      NULL |
|    25 | Sun Dasheng   | 100 | M      |    NULL |      NULL |
25 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select Name,Age from students where Age > 25 and gender='M';
| Name         | Age |
| Xie Yanke    |  53 |
| Ding Dian    |  32 |
| Yu Yutong    |  26 |
| Shi Qing     |  46 |
| Tian Boguang |  33 |
| Xu Xian      |  27 |
| Sun Dasheng  | 100 |
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

(2) 以ClassID为分组依据,显示每组的平均年龄

mysql> select classid,avg(age) from students group by classid;
| classid | avg(age) |
|       2 |  36.0000 |
|       1 |  20.5000 |
|       4 |  24.7500 |
|       3 |  20.2500 |
|       5 |  46.0000 |
|       7 |  19.6667 |
|       6 |  20.7500 |
|    NULL |  63.5000 |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

(3) 显示第2题中平均年龄大于30的分组及平均年龄

mysql> select classid,avg(age) from students group by classid having avg(age) >30;
| classid | avg(age) |
|       2 |  36.0000 |
|       5 |  46.0000 |
|    NULL |  63.5000 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

(4) 显示以L开头的名字的同学的信息

mysql> select * from students where name like 'L%';
| StuID | Name        | Age | Gender | ClassID | TeacherID |
|     8 | Lin Daiyu   |  17 | F      |       7 |      NULL |
|    14 | Lu Wushuang |  17 | F      |       3 |      NULL |
|    17 | Lin Chong   |  25 | M      |       4 |      NULL |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> create user 'magedu'@'192.168.1.%';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'magedu'@'192.168.1.%';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhaoyaxuan/p/15312374.html

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