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How to Properly Operate the Sand-making Machine?

2021-05-04 10:35:41  阅读:220  来源: 互联网

标签:machine feeding stop sand should Machine How Sand making

Sand-making machine is a specially designed equipment, which needs well-trained operator to operate. Any improper operation during machine running may lead to unnecessary incidents. Below is the demonstration by Luoyang Dahua Heavy Machinery Co.,LTD on how to properly operate the sand making machine.

1. Before starting the machine, the operator should check whether the vortex chamber inspection door is closed.

2. Check the impeller rotating direction from the the feed opening. The rotating direction should be counter clockwise rotation.If it is not so, the electric connection should be adjusted.

3. The sand-making machine should start with no-load. Feed the material only when the sand-making machine is properly running. The start sequence of sand-making machine and belt conveyor should be: discharging device - sand making machine - feeding device. Machine stop sequence should be opposite.

4. The granularities of the feeding materials should be strictly controlled according to the requirement. Materials with size larger than the ruled size should be prohibited to avoid the blockage of impeller passage and central feeding passage to make sure the material is evenly given.

5. When the discharging device stop running, please timely stop the material feeding operation.

6. If the machine has phenomenon of strenuous vibration and abnormal noise during sand making machine operation, please stop the machine immediately and have a thorough check.

7. The sand-making machine should add some lubrication grease after every working shift to prolong the machine service life and to make sure the device properly operating.

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/dahuacrusher/p/14728969.html

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