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初识tsfresh in Python

2020-11-29 22:01:39  阅读:290  来源: 互联网

标签:__ name Python series feature 初识 tsfresh parameter

  • tsfresh


    tsfresh is a python package. It automatically calculates a large number of time series characteristics, the so called features. Further the package contains methods to evaluate the explaining power and importance of such charateristics for regression or classification tasks.

  • Coding paradigms

    1. Keep it simple

      We believe that “Programs should be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute”

    2. keep it documented

      By at least including a docstring for each method and class. Do not describe what you are doing but why you are doing it.

    3. Keep it tested

      We aim for a high test coverage.

  • Feature Calculator Naming

    tsfresh enforces a strict naming of the created features, which you have to follow whenever you create new feature calculators.

    This is due to the tsfresh.feature_extraction.settings.from_columns() method which needs to deduce the following information from the feature name:

    • the time series that was used to calculate the feature
    • the feature calculator method that was used to derive the feature
    • all parameters that have been used to calculate the feature (optional)

    The features will be named in the following format:


  • Quick Start


    (20201125已解决)tsfresh下载案例数据出错[Errno 111] Connection refused




来源: https://blog.csdn.net/The_Time_Runner/article/details/110354881

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