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2019-10-12 19:03:04  阅读:264  来源: 互联网

标签:android java realm

我想从农民对象中获取CropDataList.当我获取Farmer Object时,它不为null,但与Farmer Object相关联的cropData列表返回空.我可以通过Stetho看到数据库条目,并且列表中有一个条目.这是我的代码.

public class Farmer extends RealmObject {

    private String id;
    private RealmList<CropData> cropData;

    public String getId() {
        return id;

    public void setId(String id) {
        this.id = id;

    public RealmList<CropData> getCropData() {
        return cropData;

    public void setCropData(RealmList<CropData> cropData) {
        this.cropData = cropData;

    public static class Constants {
        public static final String FARMER_ID = "id";


public class CropData extends RealmObject {

    private String cropName;
    private String crop;
    private Float cropAcres;
    private Float cropYield;
    private Float cropPrice;

    public String getCropName() {
        return cropName;

    public void setCropName(String cropName) {
        this.cropName = cropName;

    public String getCrop() {
        return crop;

    public void setCrop(String crop) {
        this.crop = crop;

    public Float getCropAcres() {
        return cropAcres;

    public void setCropAcres(Float cropAcres) {
        this.cropAcres = cropAcres;

    public Float getCropYield() {
        return cropYield;

    public void setCropYield(Float cropYield) {
        this.cropYield = cropYield;

    public Float getCropPrice() {
        return cropPrice;

    public void setCropPrice(Float cropPrice) {
        this.cropPrice = cropPrice;


    HashMap<String, String> credentials = QueryUtils.getCredentials( realm );
    Farmer farmer = realm.where( Farmer.class ).equalTo( Farmer.Constants.FARMER_ID, credentials.get( "farmerId" ) ).findFirst();
    // this farmer is not null, but associated cropData is empty...
    if (farmer != null) {
        RealmList<CropData> farmerCropData = farmer.getCropData();
        **// this list is empty...**
        Log.d( TAG, "getCropList: " + GsonUtils.toGson( farmerCropData ) );


public void updateCrop(String authToken, String farmerId, CropDataUpdateRequest cropDataUpdateRequest, Context context) {
        EndPoints.updateCrop( authToken, farmerId, cropDataUpdateRequest, new Callback<BasicResponse>() {
            public void onResponse(@NonNull Call<BasicResponse> call, @NotNull Response<BasicResponse> response) {
                if (response.isSuccessful()) {
                    BasicResponse basicResponse = response.body();
                    assert basicResponse != null;
                    ErrorCode errorCode = basicResponse.getErrorCode();
                    if (!NetworkErrorHandlingUtils.ErrorCheck( errorCode )) {
                        UpdateCropResponse updateCropResponse = GsonUtils.fromGson( basicResponse.getResponse(), UpdateCropResponse.class );
                        try (Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance()) {

                            //  update verification Response...
                            realm.executeTransactionAsync( realm1 -> realm1.insertOrUpdate( updateCropResponse.getUpdatedCrop() ) );

                            GetComparisonSheetRequest getComparisonSheetRequest = new GetComparisonSheetRequest();
                            CropData cropData = updateCropResponse.getUpdatedCrop().get( 0 );
                            if (cropData != null) {
                                getComparisonSheetRequest.setCrop( Crop.valueOf( cropData.getCrop() ) );
                            getIncomeComparisonSheet( authToken, farmerId, getComparisonSheetRequest, context );
                            getYieldComparisonSheet( authToken, farmerId, getComparisonSheetRequest, context );
                            getRecommendation( authToken, farmerId, context );

                            IntentUtils.PassIntent( context, HomeScreenActivity.class );
                            ((Activity) context).finish();
                    } else {
                        //  show error dialog here..., the error could be from one of the Error Code...


            public void onFailure(@NonNull Call<BasicResponse> call, @NotNull Throwable t) {
                //  show UI for API Failure...
                if (t instanceof NoConnectivityException) {
                    //  This is where it throws No Internet connectivity error...
                    //  show some UI here, sefu...
                    IntentUtils.PassIntent( context, NetworkErrorActivity.class );
                //  there's some other error, not network connectivity issue...
                else {

        } );



                        RealmList<CropData> cropDataRealmList = new RealmList<>();
                        cropDataRealmList.addAll( updateCropResponse.getUpdatedCrop() );

                        Realm realm = Realm.getDefaultInstance();
                        Farmer farmer = realm.where( Farmer.class ).equalTo( Farmer.Constants.FARMER_ID, farmerId ).findFirst();
                        if (farmer != null) {

                            RealmList<CropData> farmerCropData = farmer.getCropData();
                            farmerCropData.addAll( cropDataRealmList );

                            CropData cropData = updateCropResponse.getUpdatedCrop().get( 0 );
                            if (cropData != null) {
                                GetComparisonSheetRequest getComparisonSheetRequest = new GetComparisonSheetRequest();
                                getComparisonSheetRequest.setCrop( Crop.valueOf( cropData.getCrop() ) );

                                getIncomeComparisonSheet( authToken, farmerId, getComparisonSheetRequest, context );
                                getYieldComparisonSheet( authToken, farmerId, getComparisonSheetRequest, context );
                                getRecommendation( authToken, farmerId, context );
                            realm.copyToRealmOrUpdate( farmer );
                            IntentUtils.PassIntent( context, HomeScreenActivity.class );
                            ((Activity) context).finish();

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20191012/1902507.html

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