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2019-10-09 09:57:50  阅读:300  来源: 互联网

标签:difflib python beautifulsoup lxml html-parsing


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url = 'https://secure.ssa.gov/apps10/reference.nsf/links/02092016062645AM'
response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
content = response.read()  # get response as list of lines

url2 = 'file:///Users/Pyderman/projects/temp/02092016062645AM-modified.html'
response2 = urllib2.urlopen(url2)
content2 = response2.read()  # get response as list of lines
import difflib
d = difflib.Differ()

diffed = d.compare(content, content)

soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(content, "lxml")
soup2= bs4.BeautifulSoup(content2, "lxml")
diff = d.compare(list(soup.stripped_strings), list(soup2.stripped_strings))
changes = [change for change in diff if change.startswith('-') or  change.startswith('+')]
for change in changes:
    print change


- The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, H.R. 5771, legislation passed on December 19, 2014. It contains a Title II provision that changes the age at which workers compensation/public disability offset ends for disability beneficiaries from age 65 to full retirement age (FRA).  This provision will apply to any individual who attains age 65 on or after December 19, 2015 (the one year anniversary of enactment of this bill).  Two new Universal Text Identifiers (UTIs), UTI WCP060 and WCP061 were created to comply with this change.
+ The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, H.R. 5771, legislation passed on December 19, 2014. It contains a Title II provision that changes the age at which workers compensation/public disability offset ends for disability beneficiaries from age 68 to full retirement age (FRA).  This provision will apply to any individual who attains age 65 on or after December 19, 2015 (the one year anniversary of enactment of this bill).  Two new Universal Text Identifiers (UTIs), UTI WCP060 and WCP061 were created to comply with this change.




from nltk import sent_tokenize

sentences = [sentence for string in soup.stripped_strings for sentence in sent_tokenize(string)]
sentences2 = [sentence for string in soup2.stripped_strings for sentence in sent_tokenize(string)]

diff = d.compare(sentences, sentences2)
changes = [change for change in diff if change.startswith('-') or  change.startswith('+')]
for change in changes:


- It contains a Title II provision that changes the age at which workers compensation/public disability offset ends for disability beneficiaries from age 65 to full retirement age (FRA).
+ It contains a Title II provision that changes the age at which workers compensation/public disability offset ends for disability beneficiaries from age 68 to full retirement age (FRA).

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20191009/1878290.html

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