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2019-09-30 04:34:05  阅读:203  来源: 互联网

标签:recovery android xml

是否可以从Android IDE中的应用程序恢复已删除的XML文件?




To restore a deleted Workbench resource with a state from the local

  1. In one of the navigation views, select the folder or project into
    which you want to restore a local history state
  2. From the resource’s
    pop-up menu, select Restore from Local History…. The Restore From
    Local History dialog opens showing all files that were previously
    contained in the selected folder or project and all of their
  3. Check the files that you want to restore
  4. If you don’t
    want to restore just the last state of a file you can select any other
    state of the file from the Local History list on the right hand side
    of the dialog. The bottom pane of the dialog shows the contents of the
  5. If you are done with all files click Restore.


对于Android Studio / IntelliJ / AppCode:

  1. Go to the Project tool window and right-click the project node or just a folder, where the file used to exist
  2. On the context menu, choose Local History, and click Show History on the submenu
  3. The local history view for a project or folder shows you everything that you have done during the last few days. In the Action column of the lower part of the dialog box, select the action you want to roll back. In our case, this is the Deleting action. So doing, the upper part of the dialog box shows the tree view of changed files.
  4. If you want to restore the deleted file only, regardless of the other changes that have been done since then, you can select the file Lost.txt in the tree view and click the Revert button on the upper toolbar. The file will be restored silently.


来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190930/1834913.html

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