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javascript – Meteor订阅和显示用户数

2019-09-26 21:44:36  阅读:129  来源: 互联网

标签:javascript meteor


// server/publications.js
Meteor.publish("usersCount", function () {
    return Meteor.users.find();

// client/main.js
UsersCount = new Meteor.Collection("usersCount");
Meteor.subscribe('usersCount', [], function() {

// client/views/layout/footer.js
    famecoiners: function(){
        return UsersCount.find().count();

// client/views/layout/footer.html
<span>{{famecoiners}} Famecoiners!</span>



发布所有用户都可以,但这不实用.如果您有10,000个用户怎么办?你真正想要做的是创建一个客户端集合,它只包含一个代表计数的项目.如果您查看文档的Publish and subscribe部分中的第二个示例,您将看到执行此操作的内容.我将在下面提供一个完整的工作示例:

$meteor create test
$cd test
$rm test.*
$mkdir server client
$meteor remove autopublish
$meteor add coffeescript

客户机/ client.coffee

# Create a client-side subscription for the count of users.
UsersCount = new Meteor.Collection 'users-count'

Meteor.subscribe 'usersCount'

Meteor.startup ->
  Meteor.setInterval (->
    # To show something working, read the users count every second.
    uc = UsersCount.findOne()
    console.log uc.count or 0
  ), 1000

服务器/ server.coffee

# Create a 'Users' group for this demo instead of using accounts-password.
Users = new Meteor.Collection 'users'

Meteor.publish 'usersCount', ->
  count = 0 # the count of all users
  initializing = true # true only when we first start
  handle = Users.find().observeChanges
    added: =>
      count++ # Increment the count when users are added.
      @changed 'users-count', 1, {count} unless initializing
    removed: =>
      count-- # Decrement the count when users are removed.
      @changed 'users-count', 1, {count}

  initializing = false

  # Call added now that we are done initializing. Use the id of 1 since
  # there is only ever one object in the collection.
  @added 'users-count', 1, {count}
  # Let the client know that the subscription is ready.

  # Stop the handle when the user disconnects or stops the subscription.
  # This is really important or you will get a memory leak.
  @onStop ->

Meteor.startup ->
  # To show something working, insert a new user ever 0.5 seconds.
  Meteor.setInterval (-> Users.insert {}), 500

对不起,如果您不喜欢CoffeeScript – 我希望代码紧凑.

$meteor start

如果您打开控制台,您将看到用户数增加.为了好玩,您可以打开mongo shell并运行db.users.remove();并观看它重置.

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190926/1821909.html

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