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java – MVC模式和Swing

2019-09-15 14:02:09  阅读:168  来源: 互联网

标签:java model-view-controller swing

我发现最难以真正掌握“真正的Swing生活”的设计模式之一是MVC模式.我已经浏览了这个讨论模式的网站上的一些帖子,但我仍然觉得我没有清楚地了解如何利用Java Swing应用程序中的模式.





我强烈推荐给你的摇摆MVC的书是Freeman和Freeman的“Head First Design Patterns”.他们对MVC有非常全面的解释.

Brief Summary

  1. You’re the user–you interact with the view. The view is your window to the model. When you do something to the view (like click the
    Play button) then the view tells the controller what you did. It’s the
    controller’s job to handle that.

  2. The controller asks the model to change its state. The controller takes your actions and interprets them. If you click on a
    button, it’s the controller’s job to figure out what that means and
    how the model should be manipulated based on that action.

  3. The controller may also ask the view to change. When the controller receives an action from the view, it may need to tell the
    view to change as a result. For example, the controller could enable
    or disable certain buttons or menu items in the interface.

  4. The model notifies the view when its state has changed. When something changes in the model, based either on some action you took
    (like clicking a button) or some other internal change (like the next
    song in the playlist has started), the model notifies the view that
    its state has changed.

  5. The view asks the model for state. The view gets the state it displays directly from the model. For instance, when the model
    notifies the view that a new song has started playing, the view
    requests the song name from the model and displays it. The view might
    also ask the model for state as the result of the controller
    requesting some change in the view.







我还想特别回答你的问题.您应该在View中显示表按钮等,这显然会实现ActionListener.在actionPerformed()方法中,您检测事件并将其发送到控制器中的相关方法(请记住 – 视图包含对控制器的引用).因此,当单击按钮时,视图检测到事件,发送到控制器的方法,控制器可能会直接要求视图禁用按钮等.接下来,控制器将与模型交互并修改模型(其中大部分将具有getter和setter方法,以及一些其他方法来注册和通知观察者等等).一旦模型被修改,它将调用已注册观察者的更新(这将是您的情况下的视图).因此,视图现在将自行更新.

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190915/1804937.html

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