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javascript – 如何使用grunt-contrib-imagemin的插件无损优化图像?

2019-07-01 09:21:53  阅读:154  来源: 互联网

标签:javascript gruntjs imagemin grunt-contrib-imagemin

我试图用imagemin无损优化JPEG / PNG图像,但我在使用扩展时遇到问题,它们“去优化”,意味着结果图像比原始图像大.我怎么能阻止这个?


    imagemin: {
        jpeg: {
            options: {
                //by default it uses imageminJpegtran
                progressive: true,//default false, progressive JPEG is better compression https://superuser.com/questions/463477/progressive-jpeg-quality-compare-to-normal-jpeg
                arithmetic: false,//true breaks image

                //don't know how to use it loseless without making the images even bigger
                // use: [
                //  imageminMozjpeg({
                //      quality: 95, //Compression quality, in range 0 (worst) to 100 (perfect).
                //      dcScanOpt: 2,//2 Optimize between one scan for all components and one scan for 1st component plus one scan for remaining components
                //      arithmetic: false// false, or it breaks the image
                //  }),
                // ],
            files: [{
                expand: true,
                cwd: '/www',
                src: ['**/*.{jpg,jpeg,JPG,JPEG}'],
                dest: '/www',
                filter: 'isFile'


你在问题的标题中有答案 – “grunt-contrib-imagemin”.如果你谷歌它你会发现this page on GitHub Grunt.js作为官方Grunt GitHub网站.在这个页面上,所有描述都非常详细.


对于imagemin OptiPNG插件:

optimizationLevel (It is for PNG (for OptiPNG plugin) and NOT FOR JPG!)
Type: number
Default: 3
Select optimization level between 0 and 7.

The optimization level 0 enables a set of optimization operations that require minimal effort. There will be no changes to image attributes like bit depth or color type, and no recompression of existing IDAT datastreams. The optimization level 1 enables a single IDAT compression trial. The trial chosen is what OptiPNG thinks it’s probably the most effective. The optimization levels 2 and higher enable multiple IDAT compression trials; the higher the level, the more trials.

Level and trials:

  1. 1 trial
  2. 8 trials
  3. 16 trials
  4. 24 trials
  5. 48 trials
  6. 120 trials
  7. 240 trials

不要尝试使用optimizationLevel for JPG!对于JPG和PNG,您会发现不同的优化选项.所有类型的优化级别选项都在插件站点上进行了完整描述(请参阅下面的插件列表).

this site,你有很多插件可用于不同的图像类型优化.在你的情况下,它们是JPG和PNG(你也有WebP,Gif和SVG):


> jpegtran plugin for imagemin
> mozjpeg plugin for imagemin
> jpegoptim plugin for Imagemin


> pngquant plugin for imagemin
> pngout plugin for imagemin
> optipng plugin for imagemin
> pngcrush plugin for imagemin
> AdvPNG plugin for imagemin


0 Don’t compress
1 Compress fast (zlib)
2 Compress normal (7z)
3 Compress extra (7z)
4 Compress extreme (zopfli)


对于JPG优化,我想推荐mozjpeg和jpegoptim插件,因为它们有很多配置选项 – 请参阅上面这些插件的链接.


const imagemin = require('imagemin');
const jpegoptim = require('imagemin-jpegoptim');
//const mozjpeg = require('imagemin-mozjpeg');
const pngquant = require('imagemin-pngquant');

(async () => {
    const files = await imagemin(['images/*.{jpg,png}'], 'build/images', {
        plugins: [
            //jpegoptim plugin for JPG
                progressive: true, //Lossless conversion to progressive.
                max: 80 //try to set with and without this option
                //see other options on plugin site (link above) and take / add which you need
            /* As comment because on plugin page is nothing about lossless conversion
            // mozjpeg plugin for JPG
                quality: 80
                //see other options on plugin site (link above) and take / add which you need
            //pngquant plugin for PNG
                quality: [0.7, 0.8]
                //see other options on plugin site (link above) and take / add which you need

    //=> [{data: <Buffer 89 50 4e …>, path: 'build/images/foo.jpg'}, …]


对于PNG无损转换,请尝试使用AdvPNG插件,不带任何选项. AdvPNG插件的optimizationLevel选项默认设置为3(从0到4).



> A guide to PNG optimization

来源: https://codeday.me/bug/20190701/1345743.html

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