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2022-10-01 21:01:24  阅读:45  来源: 互联网



Welcome to On Our Radar, a weekly round-up of news, trends and other cool stuff from the world of web development.

欢迎来到On Our Radar,每周综述来自Web开发领域的新闻,趋势和其他有趣的内容。

This week , allowing normal users to obsess about gauge the performance of each and every tweet sent. The dashboard includes some useful metrics, such as impressions and engagement rates, as well as (which is calculated by means of an algorithm).

本周, ,允许普通用户沉迷于评估所发送的每条推文的性能。 信息中心包含一些有用的指标,例如展示次数和参与度,以及 (通过算法计算)。

, as nude photos of several actresses were obtained from its iCloud service. Apple and claimed to “outraged” by the theft. The comparative speed of Apple’s response was presumably an attempt to deflect any negative press from .

, ,因为从其iCloud服务中获得了几位女演员的裸照。 苹果并声称被盗窃“激怒了”。 苹果做出React的相对速度大概是为了抵消任何负面新闻。

And in happier news, , nuking their native apps and embracing the mobile web. Yay, RWD!

而且更高兴的消息是, 做出 ,选择了其本机应用程序并拥抱了移动网络。 是的,RWD!

关于JavaScript的起源 (On the Origin of JavaScript)

This week saw on the origins and development of the language. Although it weighs in at a hefty 1 hour 44 minutes, this one comes highly recommended.

本周就该语言的起源和发展进行了 。 尽管它耗时1小时44分钟,但是强烈建议您这样做。

So who knows what this regular expression matches?


[ -~]

[ -~]

If you didn’t answer “all ASCII characters from the space to the tilde” then the next article is for you: .

Elsewhere we learned how to , which is a testing framework developed and maintained by the jQuery team. If you need , we’ve got that, too.

在其他地方,我们学习了如何是由jQuery团队开发和维护的测试框架。 如果您需要 ,我们也有。

Ever need to determine if a particular tab is active in a browser? Well, with the help of , you now can.

是否曾经需要确定某个选项卡在浏览器中是否处于活动状态? 好了,借助 ,您现在可以了。

匀称CSS (Shapely CSS)

I’ve enjoyed the recent spate of articles taking an in-depth look at the CSS of some of the larger sites out there, so was pleased to see (note: the url is NSFW).

我喜欢最近发表的大量文章,对其中一些较大的站点CSS进行了深入研究,因此很高兴看到 (注意:URL为NSFW)。

is a pretty impressive CSS drawing project by Lynn Fisher.

是Lynn Fisher撰写CSS绘图项目,令人印象深刻。

If you’re into your CSS animations then check out this (unfortunately, you can’t win anything, though). This demo is hosted on CodePen. Here are .

如果您喜欢CSS动画,请查看此 (不过,您什么也赢不了)。 该演示在CodePen上托管。 。

Another really cool thing that popped up this week was a , complete with a . If you’re not sure what CSS shapes are, .

本周出现的另一件非常酷的事情是的 ,并附有 。 如果您不确定CSS形状是什么, 。

Finally, here are .

最后,这是 。

本周流行语– Node.js (Buzzword of the Week – Node.js)

Node.js is a framework, which enables you to run JavaScript on the server (as opposed to on the client-side in your browser). Its asynchronous and event-driven nature makes it a great choice for building high performance and scalable network applications.

Node.js是一个框架,使您可以在服务器上运行JavaScript(而不是在浏览器的客户端)。 它具有异步和事件驱动的特性,因此使其成为构建高性能和可扩展网络应用程序的理想选择。

If you’re looking to get started with Node, then you might be interested in these .


Are you developing a Node app, or do you have one in production? Here are .

您正在开发Node应用程序,还是在生产中? 这里有 。

Fancy expanding your Node skills? This tutorial explains .

想扩展您的Node技能吗? 本教程介绍了 。

Skeptical of all the hype? Well, this article explains .

怀疑所有炒作? 好吧,本文说明 。

Finally, here’s a nifty site that offers . It’s a paid service, so if you prefer something less costly, try who have a free option.

最后,这是一个漂亮的网站, 提供 。 这是一项付费服务,因此,如果您更喜欢便宜的东西,请尝试有免费选择的 。

丰富的资源 (An Abundance of Resources)

In addition to being the go-to place for open source software, GitHub has a great many of resources for developers. Here are some rather extensive lists I’ve spotted recently for , and .

除了成为开源软件的首选之地,GitHub还为开发人员提供了大量资源。 这是我最近为 , 和发现的一些相当广泛的列表。

Here are , as well as and some that every designer should know.

这里有 ,以及和每个设计师都应该知道的一些 。

Have trouble remembering which WordPress functions do what? Then maybe this is for you.

难以记住哪些WordPress功能会做什么? 然后,也许这个适合您。

And by way of inspiration for your next project, I present , as well as .

为了启发您的下一个项目,我介绍以及 。

So that’s everything for this week. Thanks for joining us.

这就是本周的一切。 感谢您加入我们。

I’ll leave you with a couple of random things I came across in the course of my travels: to use web components, and a list of (which is NSFW, by the way).

在旅途中,我将带给您一些随机的事情: 以使用Web组件; 以及 (顺便说一下,这就是NSFW)。

Which links caught your attention? How do you test your JavaScript? Are you using Node.js? Or, do you have any resources to share? We would love to hear your thoughts.

哪些链接引起了您的注意? 您如何测试JavaScript? 您正在使用Node.js吗? 或者,您有什么资源要分享? 我们很想听听您的想法。

Also, if you have any problems implementing anything covered here, or just want to discuss it some more, are a great place to visit.

此外,如果您在执行此处介绍的内容时遇到任何问题,或者只是想进一步讨论, 都是一个不错的选择。


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