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2022-01-05 15:31:45  阅读:167  来源: 互联网

标签:ForegroundColor Console C# 网络适配器 Write ConsoleColor WriteLine Error 列出


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Management;
using System.Text;

namespace RobvanderWoude
class ListNICs
public static ArrayList nics = new ArrayList( );
public static string computer = string.Empty;

	public static string nsrootwmi = computer + "root\WMI";
	public static string nsrootcimv2 = computer + "root\CIMV2";
	public static ManagementObjectCollection wmi1 = searcher1.Get( );
	public static ManagementObjectCollection wmi2 = searcher2.Get( );
	public static ManagementObjectCollection wmi3 = searcher3.Get( );

	static int Main( string[] args )
			bool listBluetooth = true;
			bool listWired = true;
			bool listWireless = true;

			#region Command line parsing

			if ( args.Length > 2 )
				return WriteError( "Invalid command line arguments" );
			if ( args.Length > 0 )
				foreach ( string arg in args )
					if ( arg.StartsWith( "/" ) || arg.StartsWith( "-" ) )
						switch ( arg.ToUpper( ) )
							case "/?":
							case "-?":
								return WriteError( string.Empty );
							case "/B":
							case "/BLUETOOTH":
								if ( ( listBluetooth && listWired && listWireless ) == false )
									return WriteError( "Select a single adapter type only, or omit type to select all" );
								listWired = false;
								listWireless = false;
							case "/W":
							case "/WIRED":
								if ( ( listBluetooth && listWired && listWireless ) == false )
									return WriteError( "Select a single adapter type only, or omit type to select all" );
								listBluetooth = false;
								listWireless = false;
							case "/WL":
							case "/WIFI":
							case "/WIRELESS":
								if ( ( listBluetooth && listWired && listWireless ) == false )
									return WriteError( "Select a single adapter type only, or omit type to select all" );
								listBluetooth = false;
								listWired = false;
								return WriteError( "Invalid command line argument" );
						if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( computer ) )
							return WriteError( "Do not specify more than one computer name" );
						computer = "\\" + arg + "\";


			#endregion Command line parsing

			foreach ( ManagementObject queryObj1 in wmi1 )
				if ( queryObj1["NdisPhysicalMediumType"].ToString( ) == "10" )
					if ( listBluetooth )
						AddAdapter( queryObj1["InstanceName"].ToString( ), "Bluetooth" );
				if ( queryObj1["NdisPhysicalMediumType"].ToString( ) == "0" )
					if ( listWired )
						AddAdapter( queryObj1["InstanceName"].ToString( ), "Wired" );
				if ( queryObj1["NdisPhysicalMediumType"].ToString( ) == "1" )
					if ( listWireless )
						AddAdapter( queryObj1["InstanceName"].ToString( ), "Wireless" );

			nics.Sort( );

			foreach ( string nic in nics )
				Console.WriteLine( nic );

			return 0;
		catch ( Exception e )
			return WriteError( e );

	public static void AddAdapter( string name, string type )
		foreach ( ManagementObject queryObj2 in wmi2 )
			if ( ( queryObj2["Name"].ToString( ) == name ) && Convert.ToBoolean( queryObj2["PhysicalAdapter"] ) )
				foreach ( ManagementObject queryObj3 in wmi3 )
					if ( queryObj3["InstanceName"].ToString( ) == name )
						nics.Add( String.Format( "{0,6}", Convert.ToInt32( queryObj3["NdisLinkSpeed"] ) / 10000 ) + " Mb/st" + String.Format( "{0,-11}", "[" + type + "]" ) + "t" + name );

	#region Error handling

	public static int WriteError( Exception e )
		return WriteError( e == null ? null : e.Message );

	public static int WriteError( string errorMessage )
		ListNICs,  Version 1.00
		List physical network adapters on the specified computer

		Usage:  LISTNICS  [ computername ]  [ /Bluetooth | /Wired | /WireLess ]

		Where:  "computername"    is a remote computer name    (default: this computer)
		        /Bluetooth or /B  list Bluetooth adapters only (default: all)
		        /Wired     or /W  list wired adapters only     (default: all)
		        /Wireless  or /WL list wireless adapters only  (default: all)

		Written by Rob van der Woude

		if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( errorMessage ) == false )
			Console.Error.WriteLine( );
			Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
			Console.Error.Write( "ERROR:  " );
			Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
			Console.Error.WriteLine( errorMessage );
			Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.WriteLine( );
		Console.Error.WriteLine( "ListNICs,  Version 1.00" );
		Console.Error.WriteLine( "List physical network adapters on the specified computer" );
		Console.Error.WriteLine( );
		Console.Error.Write( "Usage:  " );
		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
		Console.Error.Write( "LISTNICS" );
		Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.Write( "  [ computername ]  [ " );
		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
		Console.Error.Write( "/B" );
		Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.Write( "luetooth | " );
		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
		Console.Error.Write( "/W" );
		Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.Write( "ired | " );
		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
		Console.Error.Write( "/W" );
		Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.Write( "ire" );
		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
		Console.Error.Write( "L" );
		Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.WriteLine( "ess ]" );
		Console.Error.WriteLine( );
		Console.Error.WriteLine( "Where:  "computername"    is a remote computer name    (default: this computer)" );
		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
		Console.Error.Write( "        /B" );
		Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.Write( "luetooth or " );
		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
		Console.Error.Write( "/B" );
		Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.WriteLine( "  list Bluetooth adapters only (default: all)" );
		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
		Console.Error.Write( "        /W" );
		Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.Write( "ired     or " );
		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
		Console.Error.Write( "/W" );
		Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.WriteLine( "  list wired adapters only     (default: all)" );
		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
		Console.Error.Write( "        /W" );
		Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.Write( "ire" );
		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
		Console.Error.Write( "L" );
		Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.Write( "ess  or " );
		Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
		Console.Error.Write( "/WL" );
		Console.ResetColor( );
		Console.Error.WriteLine( " list wireless adapters only  (default: all)" );
		Console.Error.WriteLine( );
		Console.Error.WriteLine( "Written by Rob van der Woude" );
		return 1;

	#endregion Error handling


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/dahlia548/article/details/122324711

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