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云学编程的24天—【微软官方python入门教程 P40笔记】2021-11-21 P42装饰器Decorators

2021-11-24 00:02:41  阅读:228  来源: 互联网

标签:24 11 code 入门教程 sample re going products def

Programming components

Object: Nouns ; Data constructs ; They're the things that we're going to operate upon.

Functions/Methods: Verbs ; Actions ; They're all the different things that we're going to be able to do.

eg: My OS you might consider that an object. getenv that's going to be our verb.

Decorators : Adjectives;  Add additional functionality to code; Common in frameworks

Using a decorator

#Snippet from Flask
#register https://myserver/api/products
@route('api/products') #route registration
def get_products:
    #code to list from database



Creating a decorator

def logger(func):
     def wrapper():
          print('Logging execution')#我的code
          func() #你的code
          print('Done logging')#我的code
     return wrapper
@logger。        #如果某人用我们的装饰器,你(python)就调用制定函数wrapper()
def sample():
     print('-- Inside sample function ')

Logging execution
-- Inside sample function #执行func()
Done logging 

#利用注解的形式实现了一个AOP功能 ——弹幕(虽然看不懂觉得很厉害的样子)


If I need to log execution which is what I'm trying to demo here, or maybe there's something where I need to do some level of authentication身份认证, and I need to make sure that the users log on, then I might go ahead and create a Decorator. 


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/clouding2/article/details/121494321

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