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NLU -- 基于信息架构的新的NLU理论及研究方法 -- Introduction(3)

2020-12-09 12:57:22  阅读:231  来源: 互联网

标签:information NLU language -- 信息 forms Introduction 自然语言


INTRODUCTION (3) - The relation between Natural Language and Information
介绍3 – 自然语言与信息之间的关系

Let’s think again about the relation between natural language and information. Natural language is a tool that human beings use to communicate with the outside world; it is also one of the carriers of information. Information constantly changes its carriers (or forms) in the process of transmission and processing:

  • in real-world, information exists in the forms of electromagnetic
    wave, chemical molecules, and ions, the kinetic energy of air, etc;
    human beings perceive this information and transform them into
    biochemical and bioelectricity signals then process them in brains
  • when people communicate with outside world information is then
    transformed into the form of natural language, body gesture, body
    movements, etc;
  • in CPU, information is processed in form of binary
    Obviously, the kinds and density of information contained in natural language are much higher than in other forms. Natural language has highly abstracted and conceptualized the information. In the next section, we will take the first step of NLU by classifying lexicons according to the information they contain.
  • 在现实世界中,信息以电磁波、化学分子和离子、空气的动能等形式存在;人类感知这些信息,并将它们转化为生化和生物电信号,然后在大脑中处理它们[1];
  • 当人们与外界交流时,信息就转化为自然语言、身体姿态、身体动作等形式;
  • 在 CPU 中,信息以二进制代码的形式处理。


来源: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_43721354/article/details/110920282

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