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GVM 21.04 (stable, initial release 2021-04-16)

2022-01-03 11:00:21  阅读:288  来源: 互联网

标签:21.4 code 04 GVM initial source 21.04 branch



Greenbone Vulnerability Management version 21.04 (GVM-21.04) is the current stable major release. It is the successor of GVM 20.08.

We are are using a calendar based versioning (April of 2021) and all main components have the same major and minor version.

With the end of September 2021 GVM 20.08 has retired and it will not get any additional releases. All users and distributions should switch to GVM 21.04 immediately. GVM 21.04 only contains smaller changes and no changes of the architecture.

GVM is developed for and as part of the commercial product line Greenbone Security Manager 475. It is developed by Greenbone and licensed as Free Software/Open Source.

GVM is published as regularly updated and tested source code releases.

It is also available as latest source code repository state, which is not fully tested and may show unexpected behavior.

Source Code Release

Source Code Repository

Installing Source Code

For installation from source code, it is recommended and assumed that you are familiar with the procedure to build and install software from the actual source code.

Both procedures, building from source code release and building from source code repository follow the same common way.

After download enter each main directory and follow the instructions in the README.md and INSTALL.md files.

Typically you will need to install various missing dependencies such as development libraries and helper utilities. The configuration process tries to help you to find out about what is missing.

If you run into trouble, search the category Source Code Edition 654 for a solution and if not found, raise your question there.

Notable Changes in this Release

Support for CVSSv3/CVSSv3.1

  • All components and the feed support CVSSv3/CVSSv3.1
  • GSA contains a new calculator for these CVSS versions

New login page

  • Rework of the login page in GSA to have a better entry point into our software

Removed legacy features

  • Dropped support for Internet Explorer
  • Dropped support for Microsoft Edge <= 18
  • Removed auto false positive feature
  • Removed GMP scanner support
  • Dropped dynamic severity classes
  • Removed support for Python 3.5 and lower

来源: https://www.cnblogs.com/Areas/p/15759106.html

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